Convention 2013 – Presidential Award

At the 2013 Convention, Dr. Bob Braitman of the New England Region will be the seventh individual to be honored with the Presidential Award.  His award will be presented at the dinner on Thursday night of the convention (July 25th).

The Presidential Memorial Award was created in 1965 to honor the memory of

  • Abraham Leonard z”l (FJMC International President 1941-43) and
  • Philip L. Goldstein z”l (FJMC International President 1961-63).

These two individuals had exhibited unusually strong leadership skills and were deeply involved in the Conservative Movement and North American Jewry.

This Award has been presented to only 6 men since it was established.  Each recipient was recognized for his vision and leadership skills that have advanced the FJMC as a leading organization in Conservative Masorti Judaism worldwide.

The past Presidential Award recipients are:

  • Arthur Bruckman z”l,
  • Max Goldberg z”l,
  • Jacob Lish z”l,
  • Jules Porter z”l,
  • Jerome Agrest and
  • Sid Katz z”l.

Please consider a tribute in Bob’s honor in the 2013 Convention Ad Journal.