2017 – Washington, DC

The site of the 2017 FJMC International Convention is the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel in Crystal City, VA.  There will be programs starting on Monday evening, July 17th. Washington is a great place to plan a family vacation, with the Holocaust Museum, the Israeli Embassy (a FJMC Reception will be held on Tuesday night at the Embassy, so you’ll want to plan to get to Convention early), the Smithsonian Institution and its incredible museums, National Gallery of Art, the Newseum, the Washington National’s Baseball Stadium, the Capital, and a host of other attractions for your wife and family.

The dates of the Convention itself are Wednesday, July 19 – Sunday, July 23, 2017. The Woman’s League, the parent organization of your congregation’s Sisterhood, will hold their Convention immediately thereafter, starting on that Sunday, July 23rd.

Visit the Convention Registration Site for more information.

Bill Becker & Joe Swerdlow, Convention Chair & Co-Chair, are planning an exciting time.